Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner 2011 - Luxembourg Edition

Thanksgiving day we knew would be different since we are abroad, but certain elements were the same.  Let's start with the differences: 1) I had to work and school was in session, 2) Ian had to go to the doctor for conjunctivitis and the doctor was in normal operational hours, 3) We knew the oven would not fit a turkey (nor could we eat a turkey with just 4 of us) so we had a chicken, 4) A had to make several of the items from scratch because we could not find them in the store, 5) There were no football games to watch, 6) There was no nap to be had during the missing football game, 7) Left overs would not fit in the fridge, 8) We did not have to travel anywhere.

So now to the similarities: 1) We said thanks to GOD, 2) The food was all great (especially the home made items).

All in all a good Thanksgiving!


  1. Sounds like an amazing day! Love y'all! ST

  2. Sorry about calling you at 2am your time. Several guests last night at the party asked if you were going to attend in digital form...
