Monday, January 28, 2013

Wintery Winter

Last two weeks our kids have experienced REAL winter.  We had about 10 inches of snow. There were no school closures, but Ashley and I did not drive much because the road conditions were not the best.

We learned how to bundle up so we will not miss out on any fun with friends.  Here the kids and their friends found a snowman in the park.  He was missing eyes.  So the kids took care of that.  Perfect for the picture!!!

Some days we just had to stay in.  Here is Ian showing his friend a game on DS.
Ashley and I took a turn making a snow man. 

This is the view from our back yard.

Our Nochka, does NOT like the snow.  She did not want to play in the snow even if we were all out playing in it. 

Carolyn and Ian with Carolyn's snowman.
Ian's snowman and Nochka.
We hope the winter snow was not the last for this season. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy New Year!

We are starting our second calendar year here in Luxembourg.  It took us a little time to get back in the routine of school and temperatures ;))), after visiting our family and friends in Texas.

This year is full of goals for me.  I have decided to have goals, not resolutions.  Resolution is big word.  It seems a little unattainable sometimes.

Ashley and I definitely decided to learn more about the Luxembourg itself this year.  It is a little embarrassing to admit that we have not visited any museums here until I signed up Carolyn for a little workshop in the local modern art museum, MUDAM.  She went through a little workshop to become a "curator" and then she can bring her family for a tour.  It was so cool to observe how passionate she was about things she has learned.

Here Carolyn is proudly holding her "curator" pin.


This is only one museum display we were allowed to take a picture of.  The whole structure is made out of wood planks.

Just us :))

December Recap

Our month of December was very busy.  I got away from blogging for far too long. It is my goal this year to keep a better blog about our life in Luxembourg.  For Christmas we went to Texas to visit our family and friends.  It was very anticipated trip.  Some of you already heard that we all got sick.  Carolyn was the only one who fully enjoyed her time in Texas.

Here is Carolyn with her friends:


  1. Photo: Making ice cream. It's like she never left! We Love Miss Carolyn!!

    We have also visited with Ashley's family.  

    Kids had really good Christmas

    They both had grand time playing dress up :))))

    Last couple of days we got to visit with the friends some more.  I sure do miss those days.

    Time flu by.... One thing I have realized, once again, is that we have some awesome friends.  It seems sometimes that we never left.