We had spend almost all day on Saturday driving through the beautiful valleys and visited the chateaus that this region has offer. Not all of them are open to the public, but the views outside are still very impressive. The drive was very picturesque. Ian is into counting things, so he and Carolyn kept counting baby sheep, or calves, or stairs ;)))
First were saw the ruins in the old town of Koerich.
Ansembourg Castle was very impressive, especially the immaculate gardens that surrounded the castle.
First were saw the ruins in the old town of Koerich.
As we kept driving we discovered more castles, which is not hard to do since there are about 150 castles in Luxembourg.
Castle in Larochette was next on our way.
This is old toilet. It seem like it did not change much ;))
Beauford Castle.... Kids were still "into discovering", so we kept exploring.
torture chamber
Our kids kept saying they need to "look out of the window"
It was very overwhelming to see the beautiful architecture of these chateaus. Some of them are being restored, some are still places of residence, and some are ruins. Our last castle, in Vianden, is going to be featured in the next blog. My camera ran out of juice, so I had to improvise and I took pictures with my IPad. Now I can't manage to e-mail those. I will keep trying.